Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kant's Account of the Self

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), German philosopher of the Enlightenment.

Please comment below on Kant's view of the Self.


  1. I agree with Immanuel Kant's view of the self. We are always sensing the world like Hume says, except that our minds are constantly making sense of our experiences. We don't just experience, our minds organize these experiences to construct a unified version of our self. Without an organizing rule, how would we interpret the world around us?

  2. Now Kant is much more reasonable than Humes conclusion. I strongly agree that all knowledge begins with experience. If we do not go through experiences then how would we be able to identify our surroundings. How we go on with life not knowing whats coming to us. Everything we seen and learn is being organized inside us, so that we have the ability to go beyond our perceptions.

  3. Kant is brilliant with his theory of self. The "self" is defined as the unity of consciousness and the principle of organizing in which we perceive is reasonable. However, I cannot accept that all knowledge begins with experience. For example, a new born child is not experienced to breathe, it is a reflex encrypted by the brain. You cannot learn how to breathe nor experience it before you do so. My question is "If all knowledge is learned through experience, how can we learn to read when we experience words all around us before such an event?

  4. I agree with J.M. He explains how Kant's view of the self affects who we are. I too believe that with experience we learn and gain knowledge. When we are young, adults tell us to not put our hand near a stove with an open flame. Some listen and others decide to actually do it. After getting burned we gain knowledge that it burns and therefore should not do it again. Experience does give you knowledge. I believe he did a good job explaining his thoughts on Kant's view.

  5. i agree with K, Paredes. our mind is our organization tool. i believe that our mind takes the data of our experiences, and synthesizes it so that we become familiar with our experiences and observations. if we do not experience, then we would have no knowledge, and no knowledge of who we are.

  6. Kant is a German philosopher he is brilliant with his theory of self.The "SELF" is defined as the unity of consciousness and the principle and the organizing in which we perceive is reasonable.Kant said "ALL KNOWLEDGE BEGINS WITH EXPERIENCE".Kant attempted to synthesize the two competing schools of the mordern period, rationalism and empiricism, by showing the important role both exprience and reason play in constructing our knowledge of the world
